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From the CEO

The Founding of Giggs

I built a freelance career by gigging - touring, working local shows, venues, TV shows, corporate events, sporting events, recording studios, trade shows - you name it, I’ve worked those giggs. I also staffed tours and experienced the inefficiencies of our word-of-mouth industry.

I founded Giggs to streamline the live event marketplace. Our goal is to quickly connect employers with our community of elite freelance professionals, without compromising the essence that makes our industry so exceptional.

Nikki Sanz signature
Collage of Giggs images.

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What our members are saying

“I have hired 5 people from Giggs already. The platform is working so well!!”

Kaite WeaverClair Global

Kaite Weaver

Recruiting Coordinator, Clair Global

“Giggs has been a game-changer. Getting connected quickly to available verified crew has been a plus for us at PTP Live. This is a product that the touring industry has needed for years.”

Dave JacquinPTP Live

Dave Jacquin

General Manager, PTP Live

“We had a great experience with the platform. There were a lot of qualified folks who applied who I might not have found had we not used Giggs.”

Darby LeiberRange Media

Darby Leiber

Artist Manager, Range Media

Giggs mission

Keeping the Live Industry ALIVE

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